How it works




First of all, we would like to remind you that the sale of ferments is not authorized on this site. Only "fresh" ferments and respecting the recipes of our Facebook group are allowed for shares. No dehydrated or previously frozen ferments. Thank you.

On this site, the connection is secure. Your password is encrypted, and internal messaging keeps your email address confidential. So, when an applicant contacts a donor, the latter receives a notification by email and the first contact is made on the site, by private message. You are free to exchange your email addresses or phone numbers afterwards.

For hand deliveries, we advise you to meet in public places. You can meet beautiful people, of course, but do not forget to be careful during a first contact. This is valid for any type of internet dating in general..

For shipments from France, you can consult :


Applicants : How to find and contact donors ?

To research

As a visitor, you have access to the search for donations and to the donor directory. These tools allow you to quickly see if there are offers that might interest you., nearby or by post. For the rest, only site members can communicate with each other. It will therefore be necessary to start with subscribe on the site in order to be able to contact donors.


You can register with the classic method : a username and password, or with your Facebook account. If you choose the second option, our Facebook application will retrieve your email address, your username and profile image for creating your account on the site. Then you just have to be connected to Facebook and click on the button “Facebook login” to connect instantly.


    • Sent against a pre-stamped envelope
      When you agree to a postage against postage-paid envelope, it is imperative that the zip bags sent are clean and new. Likewise, second-hand envelopes are not always accepted by donors. Make sure you agree. Remember to indicate the pseudonym you used to communicate, so that the donor can identify who the envelope came from. Also remember to put enough stamps on your outbound AND return envelopes, in view of the weight of what we will send you. Finally, do not forget your postal address on the return envelope.
    • Shipping against reimbursement of delivery costs
      We recommend that you use the PayPal service exclusively, taking care to choose the option that provides you with a guarantee in the event of a dispute. However, this option is always billed by PayPal to the person receiving the money. Or, it is not up to the giver to pay this guarantee since he does not derive any profit from it. These costs must be borne by the applicant.
      When you send money to a donor, you must therefore choose “Pay for an item or service” and increase your payment by the amount of the Paypal guarantee. For that, use a conversion tool like this one for example.

      Example : As an applicant, you have to pay 5.00 € to the donor for the shipping costs and you go through PayPal. Choose “Pay for an item or service”, and increase your payment by € 0.51. So, the donor will receive € 5.00 to cover the cost of delivery, and you will also have paid 0.51 € corresponding to the amount of your PayPal guarantee for this sum.

Photo example Paypal guarantee

If the amount of reimbursement requested by a donor seems to you to be overestimated, the easiest way is to decline your offer and contact someone else.

⚠️ If you are asked for a refund of postage in questionable form such as prepaid cards (Apple iTunes for example) or by Western Union, beware this is a scam, run away !!

In this sense, please let us know of any publication that you find inappropriate or that does not respect our terms of use..


Donors : How to offer donations ?

Only site members can make donations. We must therefore start with create a user account.


You can register with the classic method : a username and password, or with your Facebook account. If you choose the second option, our Facebook application will retrieve your email address, your username and profile image for creating your account on the site. Then you just have to be connected to Facebook and click on the button “Facebook login” to connect instantly.

Log in

Once logged in, you will have access to the link My donation announcement, located in the navigation menu.
On computer, the navigation menu is located on the left of the screen.
On small screens, it is represented by a square with three horizontal black lines, at the top right of the screen.

Creation and publication of your donation announcement

    • Check the boxes of the languages ​​you speak
    • Check the boxes corresponding to the ferments you offer
    • Check the boxes of the sharing methods you offer
    • Write your ad in the frame “Details of your ad”
    • Add a photo of the ferments you offer
    • Enter your address
    • Select “publish the ad” in the drop-down menu
    • Save the changes

      If you take a break from your fermentation, please update your offers by unchecking the relevant boxes.

      If you have nothing more to offer or are no longer available to offer your donations, please suspend the publication of your ad so that it no longer appears in the search for donations or in the directory. For that, select “Suspend publication” in the drop-down menu of the last section, titled “Publication of your ad”.

      If you are going on vacation and want to share where you are, remember you can change your address at any time.

    • Think about well record after each modification.

      If you want to delete your donation announcement, Click on the button “Delete my ad”, at the bottom of the page.

Finally, know that if your request response rate is too low, your ad may be suspended. To republish it, you will have to do it manually with the drop-down menu at the very bottom of your donation announcement page.


In order to avoid any disappointment, we recommend that you always send your donations by tracking (with or without signature) in order to be able to prove your good faith in the event of a dispute.

    • Sent against a pre-stamped envelope
      For mailings you can ask the person to send you the necessary. for example 2 new zip bags and a pre-franked bubble envelope. Or you can ask to receive financial compensation, in which case we advise you to indicate the prices in the text box “Details of your ad”. Calculate your shipping costs carefully, you don't have to make a profit.

    • Shipping against reimbursement of delivery costs
      If you want applicants to reimburse you for the delivery cost, do not recommend that you use the PayPal service exclusively.
      The applicant will have to choose “Pay for an item or service”. This option incurs costs at YOUR expense. The applicant will therefore have to increase their payment by the amount of the PayPal guarantee., as explained above in the paragraph dedicated to applicants.
      When you receive a refund from a claimant, this commits you to honor the corresponding shipment, this is not already done.


frequently asked Questions
    • How much water to put with grain shipments ?

      No need to add water for shipments. Lightly drain your beans, and place them in a first food zip bag, well sealed, all in a second zip bag, well sealed in turn, all in a bubble envelope.

    • I am offered a Kombucha mother without the starter liquid, in order to reduce the amount of shipping costs. Is it correct ?

      Non. Most important with Kombucha, it is precisely the starter. If you want to reduce costs, you can choose to receive only the starter. With a little patience, a mother will be created on the surface. The ideal is to share the mother and the starter.

    • Can we suspend my donation announcement ?

      Yes. At the end of the page My donation announcement, under “Publication of your ad”, there is a drop-down menu that offers two choices :
      – Publish the ad
      – Suspend publication
      You choose. Don't forget to save the changes 😉

    • Can you completely delete your donation announcement? ?

      Yes. Just click on the button “Delete my ad”, at the bottom of the page My donation announcement.

    • I can't register on the site, there is an error indicating that my username and / or my email address is not valid.

      Check that you do not have an extra character in your username or in your email address. It & rsquo; often a "space" in the identifier, a "space" before / after the address.
      In case of error, all details are shown in the error message.

    • I can't register on the site, I do not receive the validation email.

      First, check that it is not hidden in your mailbox, in files like “spam” , “promotions” , “notifications” , “other”, “spam” , etc…
      If you really don't have it, then it certainly comes from your inbox. Check that it is not full, or suspended. Do not forget that if you registered via Facebook, your email address has been imported from your FB account. Sometimes it's an old address that you don't see anymore.

    • I do not receive notification emails from the site when I receive a new private message or when I want to renew my password.

      See the answer to the previous question.

    • Can we delete my account ?

      Yes of course. You can delete your account at any time, since My profile, then in the tab Delete account.